Magnets & Markers...and Other Musties

Magnets and Markers~

There are few items that every teacher must start out their career (or school year) with. These items will just make your life a little easier!

Magnets! You will absolutely continuously need some quality metal clip magnets. The heavy duty metals ones that have the clip attached so items can be held or “magneted” to your whiteboard. You will find that you will continuously be in need of this wonderful little tool. I recommend having extras just in case!
Markers! You will also need a pack of colored whiteboard markers. Not just the regular black, blue, and red ones that your building secretary will provide you at the beginning of the school year. Oh no… I’m talking about the 8 or 10 pack…the Big Daddy...with all the colors! Using various colors on your board while direct teaching and modeling is a great tool to use while instructing. It helps students organize the information visually. It is probably helpful to administrators who pop in for a walk-through too!

Tissues! Achoooo….Always have a box...or two...or three of tissues for students. If they have to leave the classroom…instruction time is lost. Plus kids like to "doddle"
in the hallway and that never usually proves to be helpful to anyone!

Sticky Notes! While they do prove to be a little pricy...they are worth every last penny! You and your students will utilize these valuable tools on a consistent basis. So many lessons (whole group/small group), stations, and activities require these little "squares of gold". So if you find some on sale or are asked "what do you need for your classroom"? Now you have an answer!

Trashcan! You will always be provided with a trashcan…one single (gray) trashcan. But I will tell you right now, that is never enough room for all the trash that will accumulate in an elementary or intermediate classroom. I always brought or asked for a second trashcan for my classroom. Request another one…believe me…you’ll be glad you did!